
Each year the California Landscape Contractors Association’s (CLCA) holds award competitions throughout its various chapters. Garden Lights Landscape Development is a member of the San Francisco, East Bay Chapter and has participated in these competitions since 2002.
Award Winning Landscape Designs
Awards are given in a variety of categories highlighting the wide range of work and specialty areas in East Bay Landscape Design and Contracting. Each of the project entries must meet specific criteria to be submitted for consideration. Most award categories include a first and second place (achievement) winner with the exception of the Sweepstakes and Judges Award. These awards are selected as the best of the best by the judges after viewing all of the landscape entries in all other categories.
All of the project entries for the CLCA Awards are submitted anonymously by East Bay Landscape Contractors. Even the judges don’t know the names of the winning contractors until they announce on the night of the awards banquet. Judges for this competition are Landscape Contractors, Designers and Architects from all over the state excluding the East Bay Area. Garden Lights Landscape and Pool Development has received the following honors for their award winning landscape design and construction work.
Designs of Distinction
Awards | Category | Project |
Judges Award | Large Residential Design/Build | Gaffney Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Custom Residential Design/Build | Biener Residence, Walnut Creek |
First Place | Medium Residential Design/Build | Nolan Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Renovation Installation | Melick Residence, Pleasant Hill |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | Tringale Residence, Orinda |
Awards | Category | Project |
First Place | Custom Residential Design/Build | Holzmer Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Medium Residential Design/Build | Covert Residence, Orinda |
Second Place | Large Residential Design/Build | Barmmer Residence, Orinda |
Awards | Category | Project |
Sweepstakes | Design & Installation | McGrew, Orinda |
First Place | Small Residential Installation | Silverman Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Small Residential Design/Build | McLin Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Medium Residential Design/Build | Covert Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Renovation Installation | Palmer Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | Hoffman Residence, Orinda |
Awards | Category | Project |
Sweepstakes | Design & Installation | Bontemps, Orinda |
First Place | Custom Residential Design/Build | Perusse Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Small Residential Design/Build Installation | Chinn Residence, Orinda |
Second Place | Medium Residential Design/Build Installation | McCaffrey Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Sustainable Landscape | Davis Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | McCormick Residence, Orinda |
Awards | Category | Project |
First Place | Large Residential Installation/Design | Cargill Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Medium Residential Installation/Design | Plaza Residence, Lafayette |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | Sitzman Residence, Orinda |
Awards | Category | Project |
Sweepstakes | Sustainable Landscape | West/Dickinson Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Large Residential Design/Build Installation | Weisenfluh Residence, Orinda |
Second Place | Large Residential Design/Build Installation | Williamson Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Custom Residential Design/Build | Stern Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Small Residential Design/Build Installation | Davidge Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Large Residential Installation/Design | Bishopp Residence, Lafayette |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | Weisenfluh Residence, Orinda |
Awards | Category | Project |
Sweepstakes | Large Residential Installation | O’Toole Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Renovation Installation | Bruen Residence, Walnut Creek |
First Place | Large Residential Installation | O’Toole Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | Sundaresen Residence, Lafayette |
Awards | Category | Project |
Sweepstakes | Large Residential Installation | McCaffrie Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | Sullivan Residence, Piedmont |
First Place | Custom Residential Installation | Wang Residence, Moraga |
First Place | Large Residential Design/Build Installation | Mani Residence, Lafayette |
First Place | Renovation Installation | Glick Residence, Orinda |
Achievement Award | Large Residential Design/Build Installation | Sorenson Residence, Orinda |
Awards | Category | Project |
First Place | Large Residential Design/Build Installation | Chinn Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Medium Residential Installation | Kennedy Residence, Moraga |
Achievement Award | Large Residential Installation | Mertes Residence, Orinda |
Achievement Award | Renovation Installation | Peterson Residence, Moraga |
Awards | Category | Project |
First Place | Small Residential Design/Build Installation | Boettier Residence, Moraga |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | Ford Residence, Walnut Creek |
Achievement Award | Large Residential Design/Build Installation | Legallet Residence, Orinda |
Achievement Award | Custom Residential Design/Build Installation | Keyser Residence, Berkeley |
Awards | Category | Project |
Judges Award | “Best of the Best” – Large Design/Build | Hanley Residence, Oakland |
First Place | Large Residential Design/Build Installation | Klein Residence, Orinda |
Achievement Award | Large Residential Design/Build Installation | Kronenberg Residence, Moraga |
First Place | Small Residential Design/Build Installation | Ramsey Residence |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | Roach Residence, Piedmont |
Awards | Category | Project |
Judges Award | “Best of the Best” – Large Design/Build | Bluford Residence , Orinda |
First Place | Medium Residential Installation | Shellenbeck Residence, Moraga |
First Place | Small Design/Build Installation | Vega Residence, Moraga |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | Dunne Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Large Residential Maintenance | Hodess Residence, Piedmont |
Achievement Award | Special Effects Lights | Roach Resident, Piedmont |
Achievement Award | Large Design/Build Installation | Horne Residence, Orinda |
Achievement Award | Custom Residential Installation | Erickson Residence, Pleasant Hill |
Awards | Category | Project |
First Place | Small Residential Installation | Kelly Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Large Residential Installation | Cella Residence, Orinda |
First Place | First Place Small Design/Build Installation | Lee Residence, Oakland |
First Place | Large Design/Build Installation | Sninsky Residence, Orinda |
Achievement Award | Large Design/Build Installation | Rios Residence, Pleasant Hill |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | Pisenti Residence, Danville |
First Place | Large Residential Maintenance | Smith Residence, Danville |
Awards | Category | Project |
First Place | Special Effects–Landscape Lighting | Maherer Residence, Lafayette |
First Place | Landscape, Design Build | Massarweh Residence, Moraga |
Second Place | Landscape, Design Build | Holt Residence, Moraga |
First Place | Design Build, Large Residential | Schiller Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Design Build, Small Residential | Krueger Residence, San Ramon |
Awards | Category | Project |
Sweepstakes | Design/Build Installation | Cane Residence, Orinda |
Judges Award | Design/Build Installation | Verella Residence, Lafayette |
First Place | Design/Build Installation | Cannady Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Medium Residential Installation | Park Residence, Moraga |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | Stoddard Residence, Lafayette |
Achievement | Special Effects Lighting | Reardon Residence, Orinda |
Awards | Category | Project |
Sweepstakes | Installation, Design Build | Glickman Residence, Orinda |
First Place | Large Residential Installation | Orwig Residence, Moraga |
Achievement | Special Effects Lighting | Goldsmith Residence, Orinda |
Achievement | Special Effects Water Feature | Hargrave Residence, Orinda |
Achievement | Design Build Installation | Goldman Residence, Lafayette |
Awards | Category | Project |
Achievement | Custom Residential Install | Yates Residence, Orinda |
Achievement | Small Residential Install | Reed Residence, Walnut Creek |
Awards | Category | Project |
First Place | Special Effects Lighting | Jockner Residence, Walnut Creek |
Achievement | Special Effects Water Feature | Morris Residence, Alamo |